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Diversity Resources

OSU Campus Resources

The best starting point for on-campus diversity questions at OSU is the Community and Diversity Office.

   OSU also houses the following resources:  


Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
AAEO manages the University's affirmative action and equal opportunity efforts by establishing policies and procedures and by evaluating hiring and recruitment practices. The office handles discrimination complaints through investigation and resolution. In addition, the office has available educational brochures, training videos and educational workshops. AAEO also offers advice and assistance if you feel you have been discriminated against or you would like to better understand affirmative action and equal opportunity. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/affact/


Services for Students with Disabilities
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) facilitates the continued success of students with disabilities and others who engage with the Oregon State University community. http://ssd.oregonstate.edu/

Technology Access Program
The Technology Access Program is a reflection of Oregon State University’s ongoing commitment to meeting the needs of its learning community. It is the mission of the Technology Access Program to help establish at OSU a campus that advances the abilities of people with disabilities to meet their individual life goals through the use of information technologies. http://tap.oregonstate.edu/


The President’s Commission on the Status of Women
As a direct link with the President, The President’s Commission on the Status of Women actively helps women on campus to succeed professionally and personally, creates community awareness of women’s issues, and investigates and advocates change by acting as a unifying voice against sexism and institutional sexism. http://oregonstate.edu/groups/pcosw/

Women’s Center
The Oregon State University Women’s Center, established in 1973, offers learning experiences that help women transform themselves and society. Its educational programs reflect the diverse views of women from all walks of life. The center provides advocacy, support, programs, resources and opportunities to translate concerns into action. http://oregonstate.edu/womenscenter/

Office of Women's Advancement and Gender Equity
The Office of Women's Advancement and Gender Equity serves the entire OSU community. The office is located on the second floor in Waldo Hall central to the university campus. The mission of the office is create an environment that attracts women, that nurtures and sustains learning and working at OSU, and serves as a model around the world. Those at the WAGE office strive to create a climate change that supports equality for faculty, staff and students. http://oregonstate.edu/wage/


International Studies
International Programs is composed of five integrated and supportive units - International Education and Outreach, International Student and Faculty Services, English Language Institute, OUS International Programs and the Administrative Services Unit. In combination, these units seek to provide high quality programs and services that enable students to acquire skills relevant to border less careers and encourage students to develop an enriched awareness of themselves and their global environment. IP also works directly with international and domestic faculty on the international dimensions of teaching, research, and extended education. IP engages in entrepreneurial efforts to provide the resources necessary to support its mission. http://oregonstate.edu/international/


Asian & Pacific Cultural Center
The Asian & Pacific Cultural Center at Oregon State University was established to provide a fun, safe and welcoming facility for the retention of students. We provide academic, cultural, recreational, and social programs/activities related, but not limited to the Asian/Pacific Island cultures and heritages. It is our mission to educate students and members of the community about our various cultures and to provide leadership development through these events, activities, and other resources at the Asian & Pacific Cultural Center. http://www.mu.oregonstate.edu/asiancc/index.htm

Asian Pacific American Education Office
The A/PA Education Office is committed to assisting Asian/Pacific American Students at Oregon State University with their academic, professional, and personal growth through educational and cultural programs. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/apa/index.htm

Association of Faculty for the Advancement of People of Color
AFAPC is an organization of faculty committed to making OSU a more inclusive environment, where people of color can better thrive and succeed personally and professionally. http://oregonstate.edu/groups/afapc/

Casa Latina/o de OSU
Casa Latina de OSU seeks to increase Latino/Latina and Chicano/Chicana success at Oregon State University by providing students with a viable support system and advocacy services. This Office is committed to the recruitment, retention and academic success of Latino/Latina and Chicano/Chicana students. In addition to being a Latino/Latina and Chicano/Chicana student advocate, the CASA Director makes referrals to academic departments and assists students with identifying financial resources and personal support systems on and off campus. The coordinator serves as a liaison between students and faculty at OSU. Educational and cultural information is also provided to students, the OSU community, the surrounding communities and schools. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/casa/home

Centro Cultural César Chávez
The Centro Cultural César Chávez was established to provide a location and facility for programming various, academic, cultural, recreational and social events related to the Chicano/ Latino/ Hispanic culture and heritage. It exists to support the different ethnic and cultural peoples’ pursuit of their educational goals and the retention of their culture. Further, it strives to inform both the respective cultural groups and the greater university communities about issues central to the Chicano/ Latino/ Hispanic culture and heritage. The Centro Cultural César Chávez seeks to provide an environment in which students are able to accept and appreciate their differences and also a place that encourages a sense of purpose and unity. http://www.mu.oregonstate.edu/cesarchavez/

The Diversity Development Office
The Diversity Development Office is responsible for the four Cultural Centers at Oregon State University. This includes the Asian Pacific Cultural Center, the Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center, Centro Cultural César Chávez, and the Native American Longhouse. The Centers are committed to the retention of underrepresented students by providing facilities, events, activities, support services, and leadership development opportunities for students. http://www.mu.oregonstate.edu/diversity/

Ethnic Studies Department
The Department of Ethnic Studies aspires to provide an academic opportunity of excellence for critical, multidisciplinary investigation of the intersections race, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality, and of the articulated concerns of the four major racialized minority groups in the United States: Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Chicanos/Latinos. The Department is currently expanding its offerings to include coverage of race and ethnicity in a global context. http://oregonstate.edu/cla/ethnic_studies/about.php

Indian Education Office
The mission of the Indian Education Office is to assist American Indian and Alaska Native students as they strive to achieve academic success. This flows from the university’s mission statement which states that it “is committed to providing access and educational opportunities to minorities and to challenged and disadvantaged persons” and the Minority Education Office mission statement which is “committed to fostering a cultural and educational environment that will enhance and improve the academic success of African/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific American, and Latino(a)/Chicano(a) students.” http://oregonstate.edu/dept/indian

Intercultural Student Services
ISS contributes to the retention and success of students by providing help, information, and referral focusing on the academic, personal, interpersonal, financial, cultural, career/professional areas of their lives. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/iss/

Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center
The Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center is committed to the retention of African and African American students as well as all students of color at Oregon State University. We will accomplish this task by providing support services and leadership development opportunities, residential facilities, events and activities. The various resources provided allow the BCC to continue its dedications to educating all student and community members about the rich culture, history and accomplishments of the African and African American people through events and activities. http://www.mu.oregonstate.edu/blackcc/

Native American Longhouse
As a public service center of Oregon State University, the Native American Longhouse exists to provide services and hospitality to students, faculty, staff, the college and, the surrounding community. It primary functions are to provide a gathering place for hosting cultural ceremonies, classes, conferences, lectures, performances, Retreats and community events. http://www.mu.oregonstate.edu/longhouse/

Ujima Education Office
The purpose of the Ujima Education Office is to assist African/African American students with their development culturally, educationally, and socially. Retention is the heart of Ujima and recruitment is the natural extension. Promoting campus based groups and programs are essential. Equally important is fostering relationships within Corvallis and surrounding communities to help build an exciting atmosphere for recruitment. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ujima/?page_id=2

White Men Examine Their Racism
White Men Examine Their Racism is a group that engages the study of racism and white privilege, through open ended discussion, reflection, and readings. The most insidious form of racism, perhaps, is the kind that lies outside consciousness, a racism that has been internalized by white people just by living in a white dominant society. The group hopes to help its participants to uncover and understand their own racist beliefs and white privilege along with some examination of institutional racism as it exists in everyday life, like at Oregon State University. This group represents a positive and optimistic vision by white men, aimed both at personal growth as well as social change.
The group meets the second and fourth Monday of each month. The next meeting is November 27, 11:30-12:30pm, in Room 129, Education Hall. Contact person is Ken Winograd, winograk@orst.edu

Sexual Orientation

Circle of Friends
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Ally (LGBTQA) Staff and Faculty to meet and connect. To sponsor activities and programs which provide opportunities for members of the LGBTQA community to educate, promote interests and build unity. To facilitate discussion of current issues and interests concerning the LGBTQA community. To provide support and mentoring to LGBTQA students. To increase awareness and acceptance of oppressed groups within the LGBTQA community on the OSU campus and the Corvallis community. http://oregonstate.edu/groups/circleoffriends/COFwFrames.htm

LGBT Services Office
The LGBT Services Office supports Oregon State University in meeting the specific academic, social, and cultural needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Allied (LGBTQQIA) students, prospective and current. Retention of LGBTQQIA students is the primary goal of the LGBT Services Office. Promoting campus based groups who educate and raise awareness about sexual and affectional orientation and identities is an essential component of the program. Equally important is the goal of fostering relationships within Corvallis and across surrounding communities to help build relationships through which LGBTQQIA students can thrive as they pursue future educational, career, and life goals. http://oregonstate.edu/lgbtqqia/

Pride Center
The OSU Pride Center provides programs and support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and intersexed members of the OSU community and their allies. The Pride Center affirms the identities and empowers the lives of LGBTQQI people by providing education, outreach, program support, consultation, community development, visibility and advocacy. The Pride Center is a safe space for all members of our community to explore aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity in an open and non-judgemental atmosphere. http://oregonstate.edu/pridecenter/about.php


We are fortunate to have a university community that includes students, staff and faculty from around the world as well as all areas of the United States. Each person brings unique aspects of backgrounds, lifestyles, beliefs and customs to enrich our educational experience. This richness is especially apparent during seasons of many observances, celebrations and holidays. Read More

2008-2009 Registered Organizations at Oregon State University

Other Resources

Campus Coalition Builders
The Campus Coalition Builders will work together to make a positive difference in the community, and to eliminate the negative effects of oppression for all people. By listening to every voice, seeking to understand others, and engaging in transformational learning, we will build strong relationships and lasting alliances with those with whom we work and live. http://oregonstate.edu/studentaffairs/ccb/

Team Liberation
Team Liberation is a group of facilitators (mostly students) of human relations workshops. These workshops include issues of racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, ageism, ableism, religious intolerance, communication and community & leadership development in an interactive and inclusive way. Team Liberation facilitators have received over forty hours of intensive training, followed by additional peer mentoring in facilitation with diverse groups on campus and in the community. http://oregonstate.edu/groups/teamliberation/


Other Resources:

Diversity Resources, Inc.
