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Dates for Summer '12 IDES Workshop

The dates for the 2012 IDES Summer Workshop have been set, please check the website for updates and additional information.  We will be sending a gear checklist, you will not have to purchase any gear for the trip. If you have it, bring it, if you don't, please let us know so that we can ensure that we have it.

Day 1-Monday June 18th – Introduction Day (OSU Campus)

Spend the night in Corvallis.

·    10:30 AM Check-in


Day 2-Tuesday June 19th-  Cape Perpetua 

9:00 AM Departure from Wilkinson Hall (be there at 8:45)

6:00 PM Return to Corvallis


Day 3-Wednesday June 20th- Central Oregon

8:00 AM Departure from Wilkinson Hall

8:00 PM Return to Corvallis


Day 4-Thursday June 21st- Oregon Coast Day

       9:00 AM Departure from Wilkinson Hall

      7:00 PM Return to Corvallis



Day 5-Friday June 22nd - Mary's Peak Day

9:00 AM Depart Wilkinson Hall

·    4:00 PM Return to Corvallis


Day 6-Saturday June 23rd

·    Day Off




Day 7-Sunday June 24th- IDES BBQ, location TBD

·     5:00 PM


Day 8-Monday June 25th

·     8:00-1:00 Introduction, Google Earth, WebGIS.

·     1:00-2:00 Lunch

·     2:00-5:00 OSU Challenge Course

·     5:00- Downtime


Day 9-Tuesday June 26th

·     8:00- 1:00-Volcano Hazards and Tsunami Hazard info.

·     2:00-5:00- OSU Challenge course

·     5:00-  Downtime


Day 10-Wednesday June 27th

·     8:00-1:00- Water Resources, Omniglobe, GPS

·     1:00-2:00- Lunch

·     2:00-4:00- CEOAS Sediment Core Lab Visit


 Day 11-Thursday June 28th

·     8:00-1:00 Making a map (with GPS data from previous day).

·     2:00-4:00 Visit to McDonald-Dunn Experimental Forest


Day 12- Friday June 29th

o    8:00-1:00 Intro to Remote sensing, LiDaR activities.